Upcoming (re)publications

My poems "Bat Walk" and "On Seeing the North Korean Prison Camps on Google Earth" are set to be published as part of Poem Flyer, Robert Richardson's publishing and design project making individual poems available in print for just 20p. "Bat Walk" previously appeared in Corvus Review and "On Seeing the North Korean Prison Camps on Google Earth" on Dagda Publishing's blog, but this will mark the first print publication for both. Release date to be confirmed.

Also, my poem "Opus 6" will shortly be reproduced in a special memorial issue of Alderson Broaddus University's literary magazine, InFlux, along with my father's poem "Memento Mori." Both poems originally appeared in the DSCH Journal, having been written and accepted independently. My father taught at Alderson Broaddus for nearly 40 years and served as InFlux's advisor.